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Your journey to wellness begins here.

Contact our office today!

Our Mission

Since 2007, the mission of Family Wellness Center  has been providing the members of our community with highest quality and affordable health care in a comfortable and caring environment.

Our goal is to not only alleviate pain, but more importantly, inspire and educate our patients to become active participants in their own well being.

Our approach is holistic, whereby we treat the entire person (Mind, Body and Soul) not just their symptoms. Through this comprehensive and structured approach, we are better able to help our patients achieve optimal levels of health and wellness. 

Our Philosophy

We recognize that chiropractic is an important part of your overall health care. The profession of Chiropractic has many means of improving and enhancing a person’s health. We take seriously our role in providing the highest quality care to our patients. Accordingly, we have nurtured networks and liaisons with other health care professionals who can provide care beyond usual chiropractic​ needs. We feel these inter-professional relationships are in the patient’s

best interest when referrals are necessary. Our job also involves providing our patients with the most up-to-date medical information and product information available so they can make the appropriate decisions for their personal health care. It is also our duty to have the most trained and skillful staff available to provide the excellent patient care and customer service that we have come to expect.

We at Family Wellness Center are striving to be the best resource to our patients and to the community for the latest and most up-to-date chiropractic-related information and on good spinal health as well as our patients mental well being. 

Chiropractic can offer the missing pieces to achieve your body's wellness potential.

Chiropractic is effective for a wide variety of conditions - not just back pain. From infants who are just days old to older adults, children, athletes, men, and women, chiropractic care is appropriate for almost anyone. It offers a drug-free alternative to pain management, improved mobility, and enhanced function for conditions ranging from asthma to PMS and headaches to carpal tunnel. Chiropractic is also very important for injury recovery and rehabilitation, following auto accidents, falls and other personal injuries.

Did you know that Chiropractic adjustments are not only safe, but beneficial for moms and babies too? Moms who are adjusted throughout pregnancy prepare their bodies for an easier and well-adjusted birth. Babies who get adjusted soon after birth reduce the stress and tension on their nervous system, allowing them to feed, sleep and adapt to life outside the womb easier. As you can see this little one loves his adjustments with Dr. Sullivan!


After having a traumatic cesarean with my 1st baby and being told my pelvis was "too small" to deliver vaginally, I was determined with my 2nd baby to do anything I could to achieve a successful UBAC. My midwife recommended I see Dr. Sullivan for chiropractic care, which I did starting early in my 2nd trimester. Not only did chiropractic care give me a more comfortable and pain free pregnancy, it was extremely beneficial in aligning my body and helping my baby into the perfect position. I got my UBAC and my children and I continue to receive treatment from Dr. Sullivan because of the many benefits on our health and quality of life. I am so grateful for Dr. Sullivan and her wonderful staff!

Heather R.

I started seeing Dr. Sullivan while pregnant with my 3rd child. I had back trauma from a car accident I thought [it] was just going to be my new "normal". Her work on my back single handily changed the comfort of my pregnancy, especially considering how painful my first 2 pregnancies were. I've continued to see Dr. Sullivan and am now no longer on daily pain meds and have had a huge reduction in migraines and overall [my] health is much better. The positive outcome has flowed to the rest of my family making my mobility and ability to participate in life so much better. The results speak for themselves. Now my husband, children and mother all see Dr. Sullivan. We couldn't be more thankful for her (and her office staff).

Alessandra J.

©2021 Family Wellness Center

Offic​e: (509) 946-7692

Fax: (509) 943-8639

110 Columbia Point Drive

Richland, WA 99352

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